Facilitator and co-founder of ‘Drink and Draw Social’, a fun monthly social event for artists of all abilities to draw and connect with a wider community of creatives in the city. These events ran for 4 years, each month exploring a different theme and lead to events In collaboration with Nottingham Pride, Nottingham Craft Beer Week and UK Young Artists City Takeover. We fostered an amazing community of creatives, which facilitated new friendships and provided a safe and comfortable place for people to explore their creativity, something which I am immensely proud of. 
We were invited as part of UKYA city festival to host a closing event for all participants. The city festival brought together artists from all over the UK and facilitated an international artists exchange with Seoul university. The activity for this event invited people to celebrate a new person that they had connected with throughout the festival or an event that they had enjoyed by drawing them in a set of provided frames. These drawings were scanned and shared to celebrate the event and some were gifted the international partners to take away as a souvenir. 
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